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Paper provides case study analyses of rural policy issues in both Western Europe and North America as part of a joint North-America-Europe Exchange Program between the Arkleton Trust in the United Kingdom, the Aspen Institute in the United States and the Canadian Agricultural and Rural Restructuring Group.
Report draws on merging realities in both Western Europe and North America regarding changes in labor markets, function and role of rural areas in advanced industrialized economies, and the role and presence of agriculture as a dominant employer of rural areas. Papers presented focus on : (1) location of industrial enterprises in rural communities;(2) structural fund resource allotment to address regional disparities; (3) discussion of market competition under a single European Market and its effect on rural areas; (4) effectiveness of Rural development agencies in the United Kingdom; (5) rural development services in Canada; (6) poor performance of American rural economy during the 1980s; (7) criticism of laissez-faire approaches to social and food security objectives in rural areas.