Rural Knowledge Center

Rural Resources, Insights, and Collaborations by Aspen CSG and Partners

Funding Rural Futures: Call to Action

What it will take to make more flexible and responsive funding available to organizations serving low-income and persistent poverty rural regions?

Community and Economic Development Topics

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biking family high fiveing
Introducing Thrive Rural: Connecting Rural Development, Health and Opportunity

One in five people in the U.S. lives in a rural or tribal community. Many rural places are dynamic and...

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Rural Development Hubs Report

This report focuses on the role — and aggregates the wisdom — of a specific set of intermediaries that are doing development differently in rural America. We focus on Rural Development Hubs because they are main players advancing an asset-based, wealth-building, approach to rural community and economic development.

Towards Rural Resilience: Preparation for a Changing Planet panel speakers
Towards Rural Resilience: Preparation for a Changing Planet

Nov. 7th, 2019, 2PM

This America’s Rural Opportunity event showcased innovative stories of reaching for rural resilience – strengthening economic outcomes and reducing environmental hazards to boost the wellbeing of rural communities for generations to come.

Kids of all ages signing poster
Place-Based Shareholder Engagement: Where Community and Corporate Purpose Meet

Last week, the Business Roundtable, a powerhouse collective voice for business interests, released a new statement redefining corporate “purpose.” In it, they...

Strengthening and Empowering the voices of Rural Leaders speaker panel
Tension as Catalyst: Land Stewardship and Development Align for a Better Rural West

Jun. 10th, 2019, 10AM

This America’s Rural Opportunity conversation showcased five rural and tribal innovators who are leading this way forward. Learn about what they have done to forge new productive partnerships and about the difference it has made for the economy and environment, as well as rural communities and livelihoods.

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Rural Development Hubs Executive Summary

In this brief we preview initial topline findings from the Aspen Institute Community Strategies Group’s interviews with more than 40...

Healing the Menominee Reservation

The Praxis Project

In a video from The Praxis Project, learn how Menikanaehkem uses a range of initiatives to heal their community and address social and environmental justice issues.

Reframing Natural Resource Economies

Apr. 20th, 2017, 11AM

This third America’s Rural Opportunity panel will focus on rural innovators who steward the nations’ natural resources and use those resources to create jobs and businesses. These innovators are rethinking and rebuilding rural economies around principles of sustainability.

Local Innovation Strengthening Rural Economies panel speakers
Local Innovation Strengthening Rural Economies

Feb. 10th, 2017, 12PM

America’s Rural Opportunity is a six-part series of panel conversations that invites policymakers, economic and community development practitioners, and business and philanthropic leaders to engage in real dialogue around advancing a rural opportunity agenda.

Measuring Community Capacity Building Workbook

This is a workbook focuses on improving the ability of individuals, organizations, businesses, and government in their community to come together, learn, make well-reasoned decisions about the community’s present and future, and work together to carry out those decisions.

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Margins to Mainstream: Community Foundations Advancing Family Economic Success

Report serves as a framework for community foundation leaders and partners attending the Margins to Mainstream: Community Foundations Advancing Economic Success Peer-Exchange Workshop.

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Building Engines for Rural Endowment: An RDP Thinking and Action Framework

Framework serves as a guide to help people who lead community foundations think about and act strategically to build more and better permanently endowed assets focused on vitalizing and sustaining rural areas, rural issues, and rural populations.