Rural Knowledge Center

Rural Resources, Insights, and Collaborations by Aspen CSG and Partners

Funding Rural Futures: Call to Action

What it will take to make more flexible and responsive funding available to organizations serving low-income and persistent poverty rural regions?

Community and Economic Development Topics

Product Type

Resource Type

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Family and Household Structure and Change in Rural America

Paper explores changing family structures in Rural America.

An Analysis of Rural Wastewater Facility Financing

Report is an effort to clarify the wastewater facility needs of rural and rural poor communities to assess the outlook for addressing these needs in light of changing environmental regulations.

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Elderly Rural Americans

Document provides implications of a large and growing elderly population in Rural America, specifically.

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Internal Migration and Population Redistribution

Report examines population redistribution in the 1970s pointing to several factors: 1970s energy crisis and labor force shift to mining, scattering of manufacturing into nonmetro areas, increased favorable views about rural life, increasing importance of recreation.

Research Brief
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Issue Brief “U.S. Rural Demographic Trends and Issues in International Perspective” Workshop on Population Change and the Future of Rural America

Brief focuses on changing spatial patterns of population distribution in the United States.

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The Interpenetration of Rural and Urban America

Author seeks to pose questions concerning definition of rural and urban America. Researcher focuses on defining rural America.

Research Brief
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U.S. Rural Demographic Trends in International Perspective; An Issue Brief

Purpose of brief is to identify some of the major priority issues for research on rural population change that are emerging outside the United States

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Creating Rural Opportunity: A State Rural Economic & Community Development Policy Academy, A Progress Report on the First Year of a Three Year Project

Materials provide detailed report on the first year of a three year project entitled the "state Rural Economic and Community Development State Policy Academy.

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Computer Services in the Rural Economy

Report provides an overview of the computer services industry in rural economies, examines the importance of computer software development and programming services to rural development, and delves into prospective for data entry and processing as potential growth sectors for rural employment.

Case Study
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Building Blocks of Rural Development

Paper is intended to be a reference point for state and local leaders to address economic development in rural South.

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Local Economic Development and the Role of State Government

Survey is designed to obtain answers to questions regarding local and state government roles in economic development.

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The Uneven Spatial Development of Rural Sociology

Paper argues that part of the problem of uneven development of rural regions stems from an inadequate understanding of the spatial dimension.