Rural Knowledge Center

Rural Resources, Insights, and Collaborations by Aspen CSG and Partners

Collaborative Strategies for Rural Health & Economic Prosperity

Insights and recommendations to do rural development and rural health differently—moving collectively toward equitable rural development with projects grounded in place and a people-centered vision of community impact.

Community and Economic Development Topics

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A Few Things to Know About Rural America

Too often, people lump all of rural America into one “flyover-country” stereotype. This blog shares a few truths worth knowing about rural America.

Image of report cover with text Revealing Rural Realities: What Fuels Inaccurate and Incomplete Coverage of Rural Issues?
What Fuels Inaccurate and Incomplete Coverage of Rural Issues?

This report underscores and articulates how ongoing changes in the structure and business of media and journalism contribute to the...

Coworkers calculating data
In Search of Good Rural Data: Measuring Rural Prosperity

Economic and demographic data drive research, policy development, distribution of government resources, and private investment decisions. But many of the...

Panorama of small down and hills
Principles for Federal Rural Policy in the COVID-19 Era

This is the first in a two-part blog series on principles, ideas, and implementation considerations essential to ensuring that development...

States Newsroom

States Newsroom

News From The States brings together strong daily reporting and commentary from States Newsroom and our independent nonprofit partners. Constantly updated, with curated featured stories and highlighted trends, it illuminates state government across the U.S. like never before.

Young child washing hand in park
COVID-19: Rural Reporting from the Field

Turn on the radio or TV. Open a newspaper or website. COVID-19 is front and center. Photos from New York,...

Transforming Persistent Poverty in America – How Community Development Financial Institutions Drive Economic Opportunity

Partners for Rural Transformation (PRT)

Eight out of 10 US counties in persistent poverty are nonmetro, and the majority of people living in persistent poverty counties are people of color. PRT examines structural exclusion that affects the nation’s most distressed communities and proposes recommendations to create conditions that advance social and economic opportunity.

biking family high fiveing
Thrive Rural: Connecting Development, Health, & Opportunity

One in five people in the U.S. lives in a rural or tribal community. Many rural places are dynamic and...

Hubs report page cover
Rural Development Hubs Report

Rural Development Hubs are a specific set of intermediaries that are doing development differently in rural America. They are main players advancing an asset-based, wealth-building, approach to rural community and economic development.

Towards Rural Resilience: Preparation for a Changing Planet panel speakers
Towards Rural Resilience: Preparing for a Changing Planet

Nov. 7th, 2019, 2PM

This America’s Rural Opportunity event showcased innovative stories of reaching for rural resilience – strengthening economic outcomes and reducing environmental hazards to boost the wellbeing of rural communities for generations to come.

Kids of all ages signing poster
Place-Based Shareholder Engagement

Last week, the Business Roundtable, a powerhouse collective voice for business interests, released a new statement redefining corporate “purpose.” In it, they...

Rural Welcoming Initiative

Welcoming America

Participants in the Rural Welcoming Initiative (RWI) access technical assistance and coaching, free Welcoming America membership, and ongoing learning opportunities to strengthen welcoming efforts in rural communities. Communities will be tasked with cultivating relationships, examining their current policies and programs, and aligning their local immigrant inclusion efforts to the Welcoming Standard.