Rural Knowledge Center

Rural Resources, Insights, and Collaborations by Aspen CSG and Partners

Collaborative Strategies for Rural Health & Economic Prosperity

Insights and recommendations to do rural development and rural health differently—moving collectively toward equitable rural development with projects grounded in place and a people-centered vision of community impact.

Community and Economic Development Topics

Product Type

Resource Type

Case Study
Safe Drinking Water: Rural Economic Justice Case Study

This short case study has insights on what will it take for rural communities to drive their own clean water solutions and breaks down the structural challenges that keep rural communities from accessing clean water solutions.

Agricultural fields at sunrise
Funders Shift Thinking to Meet Community Needs

Apr. 11th, 2024, 2PM

Fair treatment and meaningful involvement require agencies and funders to shift gears and meet communities where they are. What does it take to make this shift so that communities are treated fairly and meaningfully involved in the funding process?


Nonprofit Quarterly

Rural America is far more diverse than how it is portrayed in media and popular culture. This series from Partners for Rural Transformation and NPQ highlights that topic and efforts to address multi-generational poverty.

Do New FEMA Rules Align with Equity?

FEMA announced big changes to federal disaster assistance programs. Do these changes create more equitable outcomes for communities after natural disasters?

Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative

International Economic Development Council (IEDC)

IEDC’s Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative is IEDC’s flagship Race, Equity, and Economic Development program.

Rural Broadband Infrastructure Resources

A collection of broadband resources for funding, advocacy, and community program opportunities for rural community leaders.

Thriving Communities Technical Assistance

Housing and Urban Development

The Thriving Communities Technical Assistance (TCTA) program, funded in FY 2022 with $5 million, is designed to support coordination and integration of transportation and housing in infrastructure planning and implementation.

Case Study
Building Funder Capacity to Work with Communities

This short case study has insights and tips on how funders are shifting gears to learn communities’ processes and practices, enabling more equitable partnerships and impactful projects that meet community needs.

Economic Recovery Corps


Explore the 65 catalytic projects that ERC Fellows will be advancing over the next 2.5 years alongside local host organizations and communities across the United States, U.S. Territories, and Tribal Nations.

Broadband technician working
Designing Scalable Co-Funding for Broadband Equity

Resources and learnings for rural communities to participate in the new federal funding available for high-speed broadband internet.

In It For Rural Resources: ROADS Event Recap

Resources and learnings from webinar on new federal opportunities for funding and technical assistance for rural America.



ICT is a spacious channel that serves Indigenous communities with news, entertainment, and opinion. ICT is an independent, nonprofit, multimedia news enterprise.