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Laboring For Less: Working but Poor in Rural America

A profile of the working poor outside metropolitan areas, and an exploration of the factors that lie behind the increase over the past decade in the ranks of the working poor in nonmetro areas.

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Rural America in The Information Age: Telecommunications Policy for Rural Development

Paper underscores the potential role that the Telecommunications Industry can play in rural economic development through broad reaching enhancement of industries in various rural regions.

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Rural Poverty Telecommunications Initiative Project Summary

Documents provides summary of the Aspen Institute's Rural Economic Policy Program's Rural Poverty Telecommunications Initiative.

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The Impact of Tourism on Rural Women in the Southeast

Paper seeks to shed light on tourism industry jobs, much of which are overwhelmingly female (food servers, maids, and retail clerks).

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How Family Farms Deal with Unexpected Financial Stress (final report)

This paper's purpose is to facilitate effective decision making by individual farm families, non-farm persons in rural communities, and local to national public policy makers as they considered their responses to the unexpected farm financial reversals of the 1980s.

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Job Creation, Business Growth and State Policy: Glimpses of the Third Wave

Paper seeks to analyze the role of entrepreneurship as a means of combining resources and adding value to institutions in order to improve public policy.

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Rural America and High Technology

Document explores impact of tech industry growth and Rural community capture of job gains.

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California Senate Concurrent Resolution No.34 – Relative to the state’s Hispanic population

Selection of California Senate Resolution discussing Hispanic population in California directed to Regents of the University of California.

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Community Development Organizations and Research: What Works and Why?

This paper seeks to improve general understanding of how some local and regional nonprofit, public interest organizations successfully use research to inform their rural development strategies.

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Gaps in Our Understanding of Rural Communities

Paper outlines efforts by the Rural Economic Policy Program to qualitatively expand base of knowledge about rural conditions relating to labor and income distribution.

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Poverty Research and Policy for Rural America

Paper argues that researchers and policymakers should take what was then a renewed interest in poverty and welfare reform to direct increased attention to rural poverty.

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101 Ideas for Stimulating Rural Entrepreneurship

Report outlines ways States can stimulate business development by nurturing and rewarding entrepreneurial activity.