
Win Lose or Draw: Gambling with America’s Small Towns
Report analyses the impacts of gambling and lays out the implications of gambling activity for statutes and local communities.

Strategies for State-Supported Microenterprise Systems
Report examines the Center for Rural Affairs Rural Enterprise Assistant Project (REAP) in its partnership with Nebraska's Office of Economic Development.

Post Institute II: State Activities
Document provides summary of state activities following involvement in the Investing in People (IIP) policy development project.

Post Institute I: State Activities
Document provides summary of state activities following involvement in the Investing in People (IIP) policy development workshop.

Program Evaluation: Community Builders Process
Report provides evaluation of Community Builders program offering analysis of effectiveness of economic development or the perceived impact of the community builders process on rural communities where it has been piloted.

Global Squeeze on Rural America: Opportunities, Threats, and Challenges From NAFTA, GATT, and Processes of Globalization
Public Education Document; Represents the firsts synopsis of the October 1993 discussions at the Aspen Institute's Wye Woods Conference facility on the topic of Globalization process and the potential impacts on Rural America.

Understanding State Economies via Industry Studies
Paper describes key analytical concepts that have shaped some of the most effective efforts in state economic development research and policy formulation.

Skill Assessment, Job Placement, and Training: What Can Be Learned from the Temporary Help/Staffing Industry?
This report examines the temporary staffing industry's role in job placement, expanding career possibilities, and improving the job-matching process.

Lessons from the Temporary Help/Staffing Industry
Document is an executive summary of forthcoming report that examines the presence of the temporary help firm in the labor market.

Policy Institute 1: Snowbird, Utah
Document contains conference agenda for Investing in People: Workforce Policy Institute I hosted in Snowbird, Utah.

Impacts of Gambling on Resident Satisfaction with Community Life
Paper reports on the testing of select hypotheses predicting the response of residents of gambling communities in assessing satisfaction with community life

Workforce Development: Building Statewide Systems
Paper examines changing labor markets, declining living standards, and the need for modernization of job training programs within workforce development policy.