
Investing in People: Reinventing Education

Paper provides overview of issues facing education in the context of an increasingly globalized economy.

Southwest IAF Vision for Work

Document presents platform of Southwest IAF.

Rethinking State Development Policies and Programs

This report created to educate Governors about long-range economic development policy and the decisions they make related to new business investment and expansion of existing firms.

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Post Institute II: Key West, Florida

Document provides agenda and speaker information for the Investing in People (IIP) Workforce Policy Institute II Conference held in Key West, Florida.

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Rural Telecommunications Meeting Summary

Summary of meeting of telecommunications and rural development professionals from across the United States held to review the status of rural telecommunications and to recommend courses of action to advance the field.

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Creating Rural Opportunity: CGPA Policy Report

This final report from the CGPA addresses challenges in rural development, offering strategies to improve rural communities' quality of life.

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Globalization and The North American Free Trade Agreement

Index of 1993 Conference "Globalization and the North American Free Trade Agreement:Impact on Rural Communities" Participants and Schedule.

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Global Competitors: Local Incentives in Latin America

Paper presents a preliminary report on a project at the University of Texas which was then developing a comprehensive database on regional location incentives and relative regional competiveness.

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Every Step Seems Down: The Chaos of Labor Market Entry and Promotion

Argument examines the labor market from the perspective of working families and argues need to change dramatically how labor market think about "good jobs."

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Treading Water: The Stagnation Of Family Income Since 1973

Report shows wage stagnation among working-class families from 1973-1993.

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An Ethnoinquiry on Poverty: People’s Commentaries in a Reservation World

Ethnographic study of poverty on Oglala Lakota reservation.

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Skills For Industrial Modernization

Report presents a national strategy to enhance the skills of workers in America's industrial foundation of small and midsized manufacturing firms.