
Citizens’ Institute on Rural Design

CIRD empowers local citizens to use their unique artistic and cultural resources to guide local development and shape the future design of their communities.

Brookings logo
Rural Policy Resources

A collection of resources provided by the Brookings Institution emerging from their rural research.

County median wage map of US
2023 County Health Rankings Analysis

County Health Rankings & Roadmaps (CHR&R) brings actionable data, evidence, guidance and stories to support community-led efforts to grow community...

Graduates smiling with diploma
Rural Community College Excellence

A new report by the Aspen Institute College Excellence Program identifies four pathways that the best rural and Tribal community colleges use to capitalize on strengths and overcome challenges to achieve student success.

US state poverty rate map
The Rural Data Portal

The Rural Data Portal is a simple, easy-to-use online resource that provides essential information on the social, economic, and housing characteristics of communities in the United States.

Abstract image of house and flowers
Housing Justice Narrative Toolkit

The PolicyLink Housing Justice Narrative Initiative’s toolkit offers a scaffolding for us to stay centered in the future we are...

Community Strategies Group Assessment Worksheet. What are top issues you are working with in your community? Which building blocks are connected to your issue at the local and systems level?
Thrive Rural Framework Assessment Worksheet

We have the opportunity to build thriving, prosperous, healthy rural communities and Native nations where each and every person belongs...

Map of capacity in rural America
Rural Capacity Map

To help identify communities with limited capacity, Headwaters Economics created a new Rural Capacity Index.

A Playbook for New Rural Healthcare Partnership Models of Investment with image of rural road
Rural Playbook

Playbook of rural hospitals pioneering creative partnerships with community development that pave the way for further investments in their communities.

Aerial view of small town
Research Report Findings: Investing in Dismantling Structural Racism and Economic Inequity in Rural America 

Report authors provide recommendations to the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation for development of a network to help to dismantle structural racism and economic inequity in rural America.

Rural Aperture Project logo
The Rural Aperture Project – Aspen CSG

The Rural Aperture Project from the Center on Rural Innovation is intended to provide all those advancing rural prosperity — from practitioners...

Cost of living growth US county map
National association of counties HOUSING SOLUTIONS MATCHMAKER TOOL

The housing policy matchmaker aspires to be a resource for local officials, providing information that assists in understanding the elements...