Search Results for: capacity

Natural disaster response workers moving sand bags
The Calm Before the Storm: Disaster Planning and Rural Resilience

Flooding, tornadoes, drought, wildfire, and other extreme weather events cause major disruption and damage wherever they occur and have potential...

Rural Development Hubs

A Rural Development Hub is a place-rooted organization that works within and across a region to build inclusive wealth, increase local capacity, and create opportunities for better livelihoods, health, and wellbeing.

Logos of partner organizations
The Power of Rural Collaboration and Coalition Building

Jun. 17th, 2024, 4PM

Join our June 17 webinar to discuss capacity development, collaboration, and coalition building.

Using the Thrive Rural Framework: Gauging Progress

The Thrive Rural Framework can help you set goals and track progress over time. You can use this information to...

Whole Family Prosperity

Aspen CSG builds the capacity of practitioners and policymakers to help families on the economic margins earn more, keep more...

Demonstrator speaking into megaphone
Shared Prosperity: Building Power Towards an Equitable Rural Economy

Oct. 13th, 2021, 11AM

Building power and capacity within groups on the economic and social margins is a crucial component for strong, healthy and economically diverse rural communities.

report cover
Forwarding the Rural Development Agenda

Report serves as an intelligence gathering support document in order to suggest areas to focus capacity development efforts in terms of issues needing to be addressed, possible approaches and suggested target audiences for the Aspen Institute's Rural Development Program.

Community Development Philanthropy

Aspen CSG is building the number and capacity of community- and region-focused foundations that are taking leadership on – and...

Hubs report page cover
Rural Development Hubs Report

This report focuses on the role — and aggregates the wisdom — of a specific set of intermediaries that are doing development differently in rural America. We focus on Rural Development Hubs because they are main players advancing an asset-based, wealth-building, approach to rural community and economic development.

Funding Rural Futures: Call to Action

What it will take to make more flexible and responsive funding available to organizations serving low-income and persistent poverty rural regions?

Shifting Funding to Meet Community Needs

Insights and learnings from rural practitioners and funders on how funders can work to transform their thinking and action to better support their communities.

Pair walking up stairs icon
Prepare Action-Able Leadership

Communities have and prepare leaders with the will, skills, relationships, diversity, knowledge, and power needed to fully engage the community and the region to establish, align, and achieve priorities that increase both well-being and equity outcomes.