Search Results for: capacity

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Redesign Required: Four Ideas for Reimagining Federal Rural Policy in the COVID-19 Era

This is the second in a series (see Part 1) on how to ensure development investments that are part of...

People smiling at the table with notepads and pens
Resources for Rural Communities

Aspen CSG serves as a connecting hub for equitable rural community and economic development. We design and facilitate action-inducing peer learning among rural practitioners, national and regional organizations, and policymakers. We build networks, foster collaboration, and advance best practices from the field.

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Organize an Action Infrastructure

Communities have the local and regional institutions, policies, systems, data, information, media, and resources needed to establish, align and achieve priorities that increase both well-being and equity.

Broadband technician working
Designing Scalable Co-Funding Solutions for Broadband and Digital Equity

Resources and learnings for rural communities to participate in the new federal funding available for high-speed broadband internet.

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Act as a Region

Communities persistently analyze, develop strategies and act together within and across sensible and workable regions to address shared issues, challenges, and opportunities and achieve outcomes at a productive scale.

Medical practitioner walking patient through information
Weaving Health Equity and Rural Development by Strengthening Data and Evidence Infrastructure

Learnings, insights, and resources to better understand where progress is needed on weaving health equity and rural development and what wins we all can celebrate.

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Ready Rural Capital Access and Flow

Public, private, and philanthropic financial capital and durable funding streams are reliably available, easily accessible and affordable, and consistently and strategically invested in rural people, places, organizations, and economies.

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Investing in Infrastructure: Rural Strategies for Building and Maintaining Healthy Local Economies

Aug. 16th, 2021, 3PM

Download the Event Presentation: ROADS INFRASTRUCTURE EVENT PRESENTATION Speaker Resources American Society of Civil Engineers Resources 2021 Report Card for America’s...

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Build Momentum

Communities and regions, no matter their starting points, produce and celebrate the small wins and steady progress that fuel hope and persistence.

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Rural Data for Analysis and Change

Federal and state governments collect and provide a wide range of readily available critical data on rural place, economy and population conditions, and outcomes at the sub-county level – down to census tracts.

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Balanced Development Outcomes

How to define and measure balanced development success as decreasing economic and racial inequality while building local wealth, sustainability, and resilience.

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Rural Voice in Design and Action

A robust, representative, diverse and powerful network of Native nation and rural leaders, practitioners, and doers consistently engage in advising and influencing narrative, policy design, and action agendas across sectors and levels of government.