Changing Demographics
Project Overview and Survey Results: Introduction to the RDLF/ IRP Evaluation
Purpose of research is to evaluate the Intermediary Relending Program, a business development program operated by FmHA.
Overview of Change in America’s New Economy
Document serves an interim report of Phase 1 of the Great Plains Project.
Demographic and Socioeconomic Changes in Rural Youth
Document examines trends affecting children's well-being, including indicators of economic well-being, physical health, academic achievement, and social behavior.
Perspectives on 1980-1990 Demographic Changes in America
Report reviews three approaches that propose to explain redistribution reversals of the 1970s.
Family and Household Structure and Change in Rural America
Paper explores changing family structures in Rural America.
Issue Brief “U.S. Rural Demographic Trends and Issues in International Perspective” Workshop on Population Change and the Future of Rural America
Brief focuses on changing spatial patterns of population distribution in the United States.
The Interpenetration of Rural and Urban America
Author seeks to pose questions concerning definition of rural and urban America. Researcher focuses on defining rural America.
U.S. Rural Demographic Trends in International Perspective; An Issue Brief
Purpose of brief is to identify some of the major priority issues for research on rural population change that are emerging outside the United States
The Uneven Spatial Development of Rural Sociology
Paper argues that part of the problem of uneven development of rural regions stems from an inadequate understanding of the spatial dimension.
Demographic Change and the Human Capital Endowment of Rural America
Brief provides an overview of facts and issues pertaining to demographic change and human capital levels in rural America.
Changing Rural Labor Force Demographics
This report highlights and synthesizes knowledge of labor force and employment trends
Rural America in the 1990s: Trends and Choices
Paper aims to examine difficulties rural America experienced in the 1980s are in large measure the product of vast shifts in the national and international economy, to the impact of which rural communities are increasingly exposed.