Economic Development
Emerging Themes In State Rural Development
Report summarizes data collected through four interrelated analytic strategies under the State Policy Program (SPP) at the Aspen Institute
Economic Development Strategies of the Great Plains
Paper seeks to examine how state government in Great Plains states see their role in economic development.
A Common Bond: Issues and Responses in South Carolina’s Coastal Tourism Development
This paper represents effort by the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to bring issues in coastal tourism in South Carolina into focus.
A Case Study of Brush, Colorado
This document contains a case study of Brush, Colorado, wherein researchers examined local community health through field research and qualitative surveys.
National Trust’s Main Street Program as Rural Tool
Paper highlights the Main Street Program of the National Trust for Historical Preservation.
Rural Strategies & State Development Budget
Paper provides insights from 50 collected interviews with rural development administrators and practitioners in Texas.
Business Finance as a Tool for Development (book)
This book provides insight into successful development finance strategies, focusing on Linked deposit programs, loan guarantee and loan insurance programs, and business and industrial development corporations.
Survey of the Future of the Plains
This report examines impact of changing financial markets on rural capital availability.
Studying Communities in Transition: A Case Study of Superior, Nebraska
Case study examines communities in transition in order to understand health community success in small towns across the Midwest.
Rural Development Councils: Preliminary Findings and Conclusions
Report reflects the experience of the eight Rural Development Councils initiated as part of the Federal Rural Initiative that provides a baseline of information on the organization and early development of the effort.
Policy Proposals for Economic Development in the Rural South
Report produces a series of policy proposals designed to address the shortcomings and comparative disadvantages of rural Southern economic development.
An Analysis of Rural Wastewater Facility Financing
Report is an effort to clarify the wastewater facility needs of rural and rural poor communities to assess the outlook for addressing these needs in light of changing environmental regulations.