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Prospects for Remote Branch Plant Regions in the International Economy

Paper highlights lack of competition that rural communities provide given out-sourcing and low-wage production sites in developing nations.

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Rural Economic Disadvantage Webinar

USDA Bulletin/Fact Sheet provides on evidence of economic decline in rural communities based on federal data from 1979-1992.

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NAFTA: An Assesment

Document summarizes the central provisions of the North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA) and evaluates the economic impact of the agreement.

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Unprecedented Disparities, Unparalleled Adjustment Needs: Winners and Losers on the NAFTA ‘Fast Track’

This paper illustrates that the magnitude of disparities among proposed partners of NAFTA is greater than any disparities that have been associated with prior successful free trade experiences.

Research Brief
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Issue Brief “U.S. Rural Demographic Trends and Issues in International Perspective” Workshop on Population Change and the Future of Rural America

Brief focuses on changing spatial patterns of population distribution in the United States.

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The Interpenetration of Rural and Urban America

Author seeks to pose questions concerning definition of rural and urban America. Researcher focuses on defining rural America.

Research Brief
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U.S. Rural Demographic Trends in International Perspective; An Issue Brief

Purpose of brief is to identify some of the major priority issues for research on rural population change that are emerging outside the United States

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Rural America in the 1990s: Trends and Choices

Paper aims to examine difficulties rural America experienced in the 1980s are in large measure the product of vast shifts in the national and international economy, to the impact of which rural communities are increasingly exposed.

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Industrial Restructuring and the Growth of Low Wage Work in the Rural U.S.

Report examines the contribution of industrial change to the growth of low wage work in the rural United States.

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Foreign Investment, Industrial Linkages, and Regional Development.

Study focuses on the regional and rural implications of foreign direct investment in the United States (FDIUS).

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National Perceptions and Political Significance of Rural Areas

Book is a record of the International Symposium on National Perceptions and Political Significance of Rural Areas held at the Aspen Institute's Wye Woods Conference Center on November 18-20, 1988.