Rural Poverty

Gaps in Our Understanding of Rural Communities
Paper outlines efforts by the Rural Economic Policy Program to qualitatively expand base of knowledge about rural conditions relating to labor and income distribution.

Poverty Research and Policy for Rural America
Paper argues that researchers and policymakers should take what was then a renewed interest in poverty and welfare reform to direct increased attention to rural poverty.
Case Study

Poverty, Work and Social Change in the Appalachian Coal Fields
Paper seeks to dispel myths about willingness to work among rural poor.

Myths and Realities of Appalachian Poverty: Public Policy for Good People Surrounded by a Bad Economy Bad Politics
Paper entails a MACED researcher's findings and policy solutions relating to economic stagnation in Appalachia.

Improving Education in Kentucky’s Fifth Congressional District
Research findings on poor economic conditions and issues of educational attainment in Kentucky's 5th Congressional District, one of the lowest performing districts in public education in the U.S. at the time.