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Purpose of curriculum is: (1) to outline the Investing in People (IIP) projects for states and other parties interested in replicating it; and (2) to describe the resources, products and rationale that were used with the five states involved in the project.
Curriculum is divided into seven sections. Section 1 contains the publication Working Together for a Better Workforce. Section 2 contrains the requests for proposals (RFP) and the five winning state proposals. Section 3 holds the agenda and faculty notes that were used at the first UP institute. Section 4 holds summaries of state activities after the first institute. Section 5 holds the agenda and faculty notes from the second HP institute. Section 6 summarizes state activities after the second institute. Section 7 holds the publication, Is Your State Working? A Diagnostic Guide to Workforce Development.
This publication is the tool that each state used to begin assessing its workforce development system before the first institute. And, section 7 holds five policy papers written by JFF and NCSL staff as background materials to the project.