Climate, Energy, Water

Why don’t they just move? Climate change and the question of worth

Insights on how funders can support rural and Native communities in mitigating extreme weather disasters.

Case Study
Communities Need Safe Drinking Water: A Rural Environmental Justice Case Study

This short case study has insights on what will it take for rural communities to drive their own clean water solutions and breaks down the structural challenges that keep rural communities from accessing clean water solutions.

Agricultural fields at sunrise
Funders Shift Thinking to Meet Community Needs

Apr. 11th, 2024, 2PM

Fair treatment and meaningful involvement require agencies and funders to shift gears and meet communities where they are. What does it take to make this shift so that communities are treated fairly and meaningfully involved in the funding process?

Do New FEMA Rule Changes Align with Equity Principles?

FEMA announced big changes to federal disaster assistance programs. Do these changes create more equitable outcomes for communities after natural disasters?

Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative

International Economic Development Council (IEDC)

IEDC’s Equitable Economic Development Playbook Initiative is IEDC’s flagship Race, Equity, and Economic Development program.

Case Study
Building Funder Capacity to Work with Communities: A Rural Environmental Justice Case Study

This short case study has insights and tips on how funders are shifting gears to learn communities’ processes and practices, enabling more equitable partnerships and impactful projects that meet community needs.

Strategies to Address Rural Flooding

Insights from practitioners in rural places experiencing repeated disasters on what it will take to for rural communities to drive their own solutions.

Navigating The Rural Green Economy’s Challenges and Solutions

There are insights and essential lessons for the green economy of the future coming out of rural communities across America.

Agricultural fields at sunrise
The Injustice of Repeated Flooding

Jan. 30th, 2024, 2PM

What structural challenges keep rural communities from addressing repeated flooding? What will it take for rural communities to drive their own solutions to repeated flooding?

Case Study
When Communities Keep Flooding: A Rural Environmental Justice Case Study

This short case study has insights and tips on addressing the causes and conditions contributing to flooding in rural places, as well as to envision and build thriving futures of equitable rural prosperity.

Learning What it Takes: Climate and Health

Grantmakers in Health

Building Community Power to Improve Climate Resilience and Health Equity: Learning What It Takes. Views from the Field.

Community Engagement and Clean Tech

Time Magazine

An article on: Why Better Community Engagement is Key to The Future of Clean Tech.