Climate, Energy, Water

Aerial view of small mountain town
For Our Clean Energy Economy Future, It’s Time to Tap Rural Innovation

Rural communities are integral to our nation’s economy, culture, history, and the environmental services that we all depend on. Yet...


Northern Forest Center

The Northern Forest Center, in collaboration with partners across the region, has compiled this list of resources for landowners, community members, towns, and others interested in conserving and managing forested land for a mix of uses and community benefit.

Towards Rural Resilience: Preparation for a Changing Planet panel speakers
Towards Rural Resilience: Preparation for a Changing Planet

Nov. 7th, 2019, 2PM

This America’s Rural Opportunity event showcased innovative stories of reaching for rural resilience – strengthening economic outcomes and reducing environmental hazards to boost the wellbeing of rural communities for generations to come.

Kids of all ages signing poster
Place-Based Shareholder Engagement: Where Community and Corporate Purpose Meet

Last week, the Business Roundtable, a powerhouse collective voice for business interests, released a new statement redefining corporate “purpose.” In it, they...

Reframing Natural Resource Economies

Apr. 20th, 2017, 11AM

This third America’s Rural Opportunity panel will focus on rural innovators who steward the nations’ natural resources and use those resources to create jobs and businesses. These innovators are rethinking and rebuilding rural economies around principles of sustainability.

Case Study
A Common Bond: Issues and Responses in South Carolina’s Coastal Tourism Development

This paper represents effort by the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to bring issues in coastal tourism in South Carolina into focus.

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New Partnerships for Industrial Efficiency and Growth: Selected Best Practices

Report presents four of the most progressive industrial energy-efficiency programs in order to provide insight for future programs.

An Analysis of Rural Wastewater Facility Financing

Report is an effort to clarify the wastewater facility needs of rural and rural poor communities to assess the outlook for addressing these needs in light of changing environmental regulations.

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What Next for Sustainable Agriculture

Paper considers issues that sustainable agriculture is expected to face as it moves on from an abstract concept to a more transformative tool of agricultural system.

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Industry Perspective on Development: Transcripts of Interviews with Coal Industry Leaders

In this publication, the Mountain Association for Community Economic Development (MACED) explores ways in which coal production might contribute more to development in Appalachia.

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Coal and Economic Development: A Series of Reports

Report examines coal production, productivity and employment trends in the United States, Appalachia, and eastern and western Kentucky between 1975 and 1984.

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Coal and Economic Development in Kentucky, Presentation to the Kentucky Coal County Coalition

Report is on MACED's research on the coal industry and economic development and proposed policy solutions related to community reinvestment.