Community Voice

Aspen Fesival Ideas Image
Four Community-Centered Takeaways from Aspen Ideas Festival

Driving around my hometown of Truckee, California, I reflect on my time at the Aspen Ideas Festival this past week...

Losing Forward: Lessons from Organizing for Narrative Change


How can community groups shift narratives? A ballot initiative campaign from 2020 provides some important lessons.

Various logos
Learning Through Collaboration: Field Leaders Drive Critical Conversations

Setting the scene: Over eight hundred people in the virtual room, watching and listening, sharing resources in the chat, and...

Arts Midwest Podcast

Arts Midwest

What does it mean to be a truly welcoming organization and how can arts leaders be more inclusive hosts who foster belonging? Dig into a discussion with two artists who regularly tackle these questions, Ananya Chatterjea and Marcus Young.

The Thrive Rural Framework
Thrive Rural Framework Overview

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

Foundational Elements graph and explanation
Thrive Rural Framework: Foundational Element

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

Local-Level Building Blocks explanation
Thrive Rural Framework: Local-Level Building Blocks

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

Systems-Level Building Blocks Explination
Thrive Rural Framework: Systems-Level Building Blocks

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...


Housing Assistance Council

Lifting the rural voices of Black, Brown, Indigenous, and other overlooked rural people leads to more authentic rural narrative. And that’s good for all of us. We hope this issue of Rural Voices will spark conversations and ideas about what a sense of place in your town or community can look like-for all.


The P^3 Lab

What are the challenges and opportunities for measuring community power for health equity? The Robert Wood Johnson Foundation supported this report as a part of the Lead Local Project (an effort to examine the role of community power in advancing health equity).

States Newsroom

States Newsroom

News From The States brings together strong daily reporting and commentary from States Newsroom and our independent nonprofit partners. Constantly updated, with curated featured stories and highlighted trends, it illuminates state government across the U.S. like never before.

Rural Welcoming Initiative

Welcoming America

Participants in the Rural Welcoming Initiative (RWI) access technical assistance and coaching, free Welcoming America membership, and ongoing learning opportunities to strengthen welcoming efforts in rural communities. Communities will be tasked with cultivating relationships, examining their current policies and programs, and aligning their local immigrant inclusion efforts to the Welcoming Standard.