Policy & Data

Representing Rural America: Development Needs and Policy
This report summarizes the survey over thirty experts in the rural economic development sphere (directors of grassroots rural organizations, policy institutes, rural advocates, state and federal government officials, congressional aides, academics, and general policy experts.)

Small Stakes Gambling in Rural Communities: Policy Implications for State Government
Report seeks to examine experiences of Deadwood, SD and Central City, Black Hawk, and Cripple Creek, CO communities in regards to gambling presences in order to foster and promote thoughtful state government policy on small stakes gambling.

State Economic Development Programs and Local Needs
Study explores the broad subject of economic development in the rural state of Mississippi from the perspective of locally elected policy makers.

Economic Development and Commerce Policy State Policy Reports
Report analyzes the impacts of eight rural initiatives put in place under the Bush Administration in 1990.

How Strategic Development Organizations Can Be Effective for State Governments
This report seeks to examine state economic development policy processes in terms of effectiveness.

Unprecedented Disparities, Unparalleled Adjustment Needs: Winners and Losers on the NAFTA ‘Fast Track’
This paper illustrates that the magnitude of disparities among proposed partners of NAFTA is greater than any disparities that have been associated with prior successful free trade experiences.

Project Overview and Survey Results: Introduction to the RDLF/ IRP Evaluation
Purpose of research is to evaluate the Intermediary Relending Program, a business development program operated by FmHA.

Gearing Up for Success: Organizing a State for Rural Development
Purpose of this book is to provide states-and their rural development partners- with some guidance that will better enable them to create and implement successful rural development strategies.

Forwarding the Rural Development Agenda
Report serves as an intelligence gathering support document in order to suggest areas to focus capacity development efforts in terms of issues needing to be addressed, possible approaches and suggested target audiences for the Aspen Institute's Rural Development Program.

Designing Development Strategies in Small Towns
Paper highlights need for competent assessment of community resources and opportunities alongside more effective local planning and action.

Coming Out of the Shadows: The Changing Face of Rural Development in the South
Report examines general trends in Southern economic development policy over the last five years in order to establish the context within rural development policies and programs are taking place.

Emerging Themes In State Rural Development
Report summarizes data collected through four interrelated analytic strategies under the State Policy Program (SPP) at the Aspen Institute