Policy & Data

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Black Female-Headed Families in the Metropolitan and Nonmetropolitan South: A Profile of Their Economic Status

Report examines growing number of African American female-headed families in the United States.

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State Economic Policies & Small Agricultural Communities

​Examine the impact of state economic development policies on small agricultural communities in six 'middle border' states, with related policy recommendations.

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The Changing Incidence of Working Poverty in the U.S.

Paper examines how many individuals aged 16 and older earned at least some wages and salaries over the course of a year but had families which nevertheless had aggregate annual incomes which left them below the official census poverty line for a family of their size and structure.

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The Political Economy of U.S. Rural Policy: An Exploration of the Past with Strategies for the Future

Researchers argue that there exists a need for a national rural policy of some sort after years of solely agricultural-focused policy.

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Rural Workforce 2000: Skill Upgrading

Report seeks to address the importance of upgrading the skill levels of rural works to match the skill levels of available jobs.

Case Study
The Impact of Deregulation on Rural Commercial Credit Availability in Four New England States: Empirical Evidence and Policy Implications

Report highlights the role of Local commercial banks as an important source of capital for small businesses within their local service areas.

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The Rural Disadvantage: Growing Income Disparities Between Rural and Urban Areas

This paper demonstrates a widening income gap between rural residents and urban residents.

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Rural Policy Issues: Papers from Aberdeenshire

Paper provides case study analyses of rural policy issues in both Western Europe and North America

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Working Below The Poverty Line in Rural and Urban America

This report examines how the earnings of American workers changed from 1970-1990

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Creating Opportunity for Rural People and Places: A State Rural Economic Development Policy Academy

Report is a policy proposal for the CSPA Policy Academy, designed to deliver intensive assistance to states in rural policy development.

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Foreign Investment, Industrial Linkages, and Regional Development.

Study focuses on the regional and rural implications of foreign direct investment in the United States (FDIUS).

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The Rural Poor: What We Know and What We Need to Know

Report examines gaps in adequate policy-oriented research on the rural poor and what can be done to resolve it.