Wealth Building

Local-Level Building Blocks explanation
Thrive Rural Framework: Local-Level Building Blocks

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

Systems-Level Building Blocks Explination
Thrive Rural Framework: Systems-Level Building Blocks

The Thrive Rural Framework is a new tool to help you take stock, target action, and gauge progress on rural prosperity. We...

Native Nation Building Report Cover
Native Nation Building: It Helps Rural America Thrive

Native nations and rural communities, working side-by-side and together, can strengthen the potential for thriving rural regions.

farmers smiling in field
All Land is not Creating Equal: Unleashing Family and Community Wealth through Land Ownership

Nov. 18th, 2020, 1PM

The YouTube link above is a playlist – it has nine videos that cover all the different sessions of this...

Cashier at small business
Still Open for Business: Working with Minority-Owned Rural Firms through the Pandemic

Jul. 22nd, 2020, 2PM

STILL OPEN FOR BUSINESS POWERPOINT Racially and ethnically diverse populations comprise 21 percent of rural America—but produced 83 percent of...

Kids of all ages signing poster
Place-Based Shareholder Engagement: Where Community and Corporate Purpose Meet

Last week, the Business Roundtable, a powerhouse collective voice for business interests, released a new statement redefining corporate “purpose.” In it, they...

Hand in Hand Case Study cover
Hand in Hand: Community Economic Development in Tupelo (1999)

It would be easy, contemplating the riveting story of Tupelo’s growth since 1940, to imagine that it is unique, engendered...

Report cover
Exploding Myths about Rural Entrepreneurship

Report provides insight into five case studies in Iowa, North Dakota, Maine, Arkansas, and Michigan that show disparate rural economies in order to better develop strategies for rural new business entrepreneurship.

Case Study
A Common Bond: Issues and Responses in South Carolina’s Coastal Tourism Development

This paper represents effort by the Palmetto Conservation Foundation to bring issues in coastal tourism in South Carolina into focus.

report cover
Leadership Through Partnerships: The National Trust’s Main Street Program as a Community Economic Development Tool

Paper highlights the Main Street Program of the National Trust for Historical Preservation.

Smart Firms in Small Towns

This book provides overview of small to medium enterprises (SMEs) within the context of "third-wave" state economic development policy; by which policy is marked by emphasis on strategies such as public-private partnerships, establishing regional networks, developing industrial clusters, and increasing human capital.

Case Study
report cover
Studying Communities in Transition: A Case Study of Superior, Nebraska

Case study examines communities in transition in order to understand health community success in small towns across the Midwest.