Wealth Building

National Trust’s Main Street Program as Rural Tool
Paper highlights the Main Street Program of the National Trust for Historical Preservation.

Smart Firms in Small Towns: An Overview
This book provides overview of small to medium enterprises within the context of "third-wave" state economic development policy.
Case Study

Studying Communities in Transition: A Case Study of Superior, Nebraska
Case study examines communities in transition in order to understand health community success in small towns across the Midwest.

Pioneers of Progress: Community Development, Volume 1
Report on Economic Development in Rural America, particularly in relation to entrepreneurship.

101 Ideas for Stimulating Rural Entrepreneurship
Report outlines ways States can stimulate business development by nurturing and rewarding entrepreneurial activity.

New Alliances for Rural America: Background paper Submitted to the Task Force on Rural Development
This paper examines the role of new businesses in rural areas and how policy can promote the creation of businesses or reduce the barriers to their success.